beat365 手机版官方网站20周年院庆系列学术报告:“Formal Methods, Formal Engineering Methods, and SOFL for Software Quality Assurance”
报告题目:Formal Methods, Formal Engineering Methods, and SOFL for Software Quality Assurance
报告人:刘少英IEEE Fellow, BCS Fellow(英国计算机协会会士)
报告时间:2022年4月22日(周五) 14:00-15:00
报告形式:腾讯会议,ID :403 716 660
报告摘要:Formal methods have been established to overcome the challenges to conventional software engineering by introducing mathematical notation and calculus to support formal specification, refinement, and verification, but they are generally difficult to apply to the development of large-scale and complex systems in practice because of many constraints.
We have developed “Formal Engineering Methods’’ (FEM) as a research area since 1989 to study how formal methods can be effectively integrated into conventional software engineering technologies and process models so that formal techniques can be tailored, revised, or extended to fit the need for improving software productivity and quality in practice. We have also developed a specific FEM called Structured Object-Oriented Formal Language (SOFL) that offers rigorous but practical techniques for system modeling, transformation, and verification, including a three-step formal specification approach, transformation from structured specification to object-oriented implementation, and specification-based inspection and testing. The effective combination of these three techniques can significantly enhance software productivity and quality. I will first give a brief introduction to formal methods and formal engineering methods, and then focus on the issue of how SOFL is used for software quality assurance. Finally, I will explain the future development directions in the field.
1982年和1987年分别获西安交通大学计算机科学学士和硕士学位,1992年获得英国曼彻斯特大学计算机科学博士学位。现是日本广岛大学计算机科学教授。主要研究领域包括软件工程,软件开发的形式化工程方法,软件设计方法,程序验证,软件测试,以及智能软件工程环境。从1994年以来,已领导和主持由日本文部科学省、国立信息研究所(NII)、大川情报科学财团以及日本信号、NTT Data、三菱电机等日本政府、财团和大企业分别资助的20多个研究项目,创立和发展了“软件开发的形式化工程方法”,研制开发了SOFL形式化工程开发语言和方法,由Springer出版专著一本,编著由IEEE CS Press和Springer LNCS系列出版的论文集12本,在包括IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, IEEE Transactions on Reliability, Journal of Systems and Software等国际学术期刊和国际会议发表250多篇论文。曾被Journal of Systems and Software评为1993年至1996年期间的在系统和软件工程领域的世界top 15名学者之一,1996年获得由IEEE国际会议授予的“优秀论文奖”,2017年6月获得IEEE可靠性协会日本分会的2016年论文奖,2020年获得日本软件工程研究会的2020年最佳研究奖。曾多次担任ICFEM,ICECCS等国际会议的大会主席和程序委员会主席,以及数目繁多的国际会议的PC委员,被欧、美、亚、奥等地区的60多个大学和研究机关以及国际会议邀请作学术报告,现任IEEE Transactions on Reliability和Innovations in Systems and Software Engineering学术期刊的Associate Editor,是IEEE Fellow, BCS Fellow(英国计算机协会会士),日本信息处理协会和日本软件科学会等学会会员。